Coast Artillery Living History
Ft. Hancock, NJ
May 20-21, 2006
The public, as expected, was enamored with the vehicles. Over 300 Boys Scouts
at Ft. Hancock for a Camporee spent considerable time at Battery Gunnison examining
both the vehicles and the battery proper. One can get an idea of how many Scouts
were present from the photo below of at least 50 scouts gathered around the
vehicles at one time.
Another major plus for teaming with MTA was the ability to visit various places at Ft. Hancock to let the public know that Battery Gunnison was open for business. We even stopped at the ranger station to let them know what people could see at Battery Gunnison.
Our major focus for Saturday, besides hosting so many Boy Scouts and their families, was to clean the drainage within the battery and ensure it was functional. With the rain that had fallen during the past several days, it was clear the original drainage system was not functioning. The park's maintenance staff brought over a high-pressure fire hydrant adaptor for the hose CPT Prostak brought. This enabled us to blow blockages out the drains and clean the drainage cuts on the gun platform. Below, 1LT Grant and CPT Prostak clean the gun platform.
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