Coast Artillery Living History
Ft. Hancock, NJ
May 20-21, 2006
Cleaning the gutters on the gun platform was critical as a very tenacious plant
system embedded in the trough. Within 30 minutes, we had removed all the dirt
and roots from the trough. Next, when we began work on the main drainage system,
we discovered that even though the top drainage was cleaned, the pipes to the
main drain just behind the gun platform were clogged. After much work, with
CPT Prostak rodding the main drain and 1LT Grant, PFC Winchell, and PVT Ramos
forcing the drains, we were rewarded by water flowing through the main drain.
Here, CPT Prostak looks into the drain as 1LT Grant, PFC Winchell, and PVT Ramos
apply water to the nearest drainage pipe.
The plotting room, of course, was a major center of attention. Below, CPT Prostak, 1LT Grant, and PFC Winchell instruct the Boy Scouts in its use.
The Boy Scouts also learned about the gun, performed a gun drill, and examined the breech of the 6-inch M1900 rifle and its sighting equipment.
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