
Army Ground Forces



Coast Artillery Living History
Ft. Mott, NJ (23-24 June 2007)

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The size of the fire control tower is amply demonstrated in this photo of the Model A and the tower.

Before the Second World War, many of the smaller and lower priority Coast Artillery instillations, such as Fort Mott, had few if any vehicles. Many times soldiers used their own vehicles for transportation in training and at drills.

PVT Houck manned the Battery Commander's station for Battery Arnold. He is seen below providing instruction on fire control to visitors.

The #1 emplacement of Battery Arnold (one 12-inch M1888 rifle) was host to a detailed explanation of artillery munitions and major caliber guns. In the photo below, Technical Sergeant Stauber explains the intricacies of artillery shell stabilization to a visitor.


The Battery Krayenbuhl/Gregg tunnel was open to the public. CPL Winchell leads a tour in the photo below.


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